Thursday, August 20, 2020

Opportunities and Challenges offered by Solar PV

The energy harvesting through solar photo voltaic cells has been a wonderful addition to clean and green energy production. The process of energy harvesting is very simple and straight forward. However, till date the efficiency of solar power is not up to the mark and needs further improvement. Solar power has opened doors to various opportunities, but at the same time it brought numerous challenges as well. This article is about discussion of opportunities and challenges offered by solar PV system.

· Efficiency: The efficiency of the photo voltaic cells is not up to the mark as of today since its invention. In order for solar PV to be included in mainstream energy sources, the efficiency is needed to be improved quickly. The current solar panel modules are having an efficiency of about 13 to 20 percent which is obviously very low. It is approximated that within 2025 the efficiency of solar panel modules can be increased up to 40%. However, Green which is international organization on smart research has admitted that there is a long way to achieve better efficiency of solar PV.

· Reliability: Reliability is very important factor and is going neck to neck with efficiency. The reliability of solar panel array is dependent on various factors such as weather, extent of radiation, and humidity etc. Currently the lifespan of solar panel is approximated to be 10 to 15 years if it is made of good quality material. The reliability of solar panels still needed to be improved. Some of the researchers have mentioned that solar panel array is expensive till date, installation plan is not easy, and must be installed in exterior places for solar energy harvesting. Because of short life-span of solar panel array not more than bunch of people would be interested to install system on their rooftops and replace it after few years.

· Manufacturability: Manufacturability is one of the major concerns in the success of solar power harvesting. In the beginning of research there were numerous materials which were held back from manufacturing because of their rareness and inability to produce bulk solar panels. The process of manufacturability is also highly dependent on cost effectiveness. There are numerous organic compounds which can be used for yielding better efficiency of solar energy harvesting, however such compounds are not cost effective. Therefore, experimentation on such compounds is out of question.

· Subsidy: Subsidy is another major concern regarding success of solar power panel system. Subsidy assistance is very important as subsidies are contributing on the growth of certain product. If the solar power industry will get subsidy then the success will be assured within short time. Better marketing strategy and subsidies on a product are playing a key role in its quick adaptation and success not the technology on which it is built. The solar power industry is fortunate enough that in countries such as Europe and America there is enough subsidies that people are moving in to smart grid system. The consumers in a smart grid system becomes prosumers and they can take energy from grid and can give back excess energy they produce through solar power system back to grid.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Things to Consider Before Buying an Electric Panel

The electrical panel of a house is very important factor and yet most of people don’t consider its quality and attributes when they buy one for their own use. The electric panel is among vital things which are essential for safety. Therefore, one must consider electric panel of good quality whenever make a plan to build a house or any property. The main reason is that faults in electric wiring is not very difficult to fix, however it may cause certain unbearable damage and short circuit may even cause fire and other life taking risks.

Before digging down more about electric panels, there are some necessary safety tips to bear in mind for avoiding any sort of fatal mistakes.

1. If you are new to electric work then go for a licensed and experienced electrician.
2. Be informed that the main breaker is only shutting down certain part of service panel and other points coming to house will still be live and fatal.
3. Never use metallic tools working in panel.
4. Don’t ever remove breaker’s cover as it exposes high voltage parts.

Things to consider for Electric Panel

The following are some major things to consider before buying and installing an electric panel.
Location: The location of the electric panel must be pre-decided. Mostly the electric panels are installed in garages, basements, or attic. However, it is up to you where you find it safe to install electric panel inside your vicinity.

Familiarity: You and your family members must be familiar with the electric panel. For instance, your family members must know that which breaker is serving which appliance or specific area of your house. You must keep a flashlight near the electric panel in order to have a look if circuit breakers triggers and there is power outage at that specific time.

Labeling: Labeling is one of the most valuable things that you would do for your electric panel. The labeling will enable you and other family members to know of the fuses and breakers that are serving different parts of the house and appliances. You can make labeling with a pen or marker. You may insert small piece of paper with a white tape labeling breakers and fuses with the appliances and outlets that these are serving.

Circuit Breakers: There are different types of circuit breakers and each has its own functionality. Therefore, when you install an electric panel at your house, you must know of all sort of breakers that it has. The circuit breakers are for prevention against any abnormality in functioning of electricity or appliances. Circuit breakers triggers when surge current or sudden power flows through any outlet of the electrical system of house. The triggering process is automatic.

Maintenance: Most of people think that their house electric panel requires no maintenance, however this is not the case. The electric panel requires regular maintenance; therefore, you must keep an eye on its performance. In case of any continuous triggering of a breaker you must check it. If certain wear and tear appears or burn smells is felt maintenance must be performed.

At Pane Upgrade Experts, we are offering Electrical Panel Upgrading Services.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Knob And Tube Wiring

Knob and tube is a house wiring method that was popular in America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this wiring method, a combination of ceramic knobs and copper tubes were designed to enclose the wire, through which the electric supply of the homes used to run.

The wiring system was regarded as safe and standardized in 1960s. However, today it is regarded as obsolete and outdated both from safety as well as cost perspectives. Let’s look at the main issues and dangers the system of knob and tube wiring Canada ,that make it hazardous to modern-day homes

Absence of Ground Wire

The knob and tube wiring is basically a 2-wire system. It does not have a ground wire that runs deep into the earth and offloads the excess electricity. This makes the knob and tube system very susceptible to short circuits and electrical fires.
Also, the absence of a 3rd wire means that this system is not fit for most modern electrical gadgets that are three-pronged like washing machines, televisions and electronic gadgets.

Insulation and Resistance

The insulation that covers the knob and tube wiring system can increase the chances of an electrical fire. It is designed in such a way that the heat generated in electrical transmission is thrown in the open air. The heat is thus retained for a long time can easily result in a fire hazard.

Also, compared to most modern wiring systems, the knob and tube wiring offers less resistance. These wires can crack and strip due to frequent bending, thus affecting their resistance. This again makes the wiring system vulnerable to fire hazards.

Frequent Circuit Overloading

The knob and tube system was designed to serve homes of over a century back. People back then did not use too many electrical and electronic devices and thus the system was not so burdened. However, in modern times when electronic gadgets are used at bulk in almost every home, the knob and tube system may not be adequate to bear the load. This results in frequent circuit overloads that may become a safety hazard.

Replacement And Insurance

 Due to frequent risks associated with knob and tube wiring, many insurance companies will not agree to insure houses with such wiring systems. Thus, the cost of repair is entirely your burden, in case, you move into a home with knob and tube wiring system.

Also, replacing the wiring system can be literally very expensive. An electrician might have to literally overhaul the whole wiring system of the house. This can even cause damage to ceilings, walls and floors of your house.

Thus, these risk and cost issues make the knob and tube wiring system least preferred in modern-day homes. In case, you are moving to a new home, we recommend you first ensure that it has modern electric fitting done rather than the now outdated knob and tube system


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